Rabu, 30 Juli 2008

New RIO I/O Controller with Bipolar Analog I/O

Galil has introduced a new version of its RIO smart I/O controller
which provides higher range and resolution of the analog inputs and
outputs. The new RIO-47120 provides 8 analog inputs and 8 analog
outputs with user programmable ranges of 0 to 5V, 0 to 10V, +/-5V and
+/-10V. The default analog resolution is 12-bits, with 16-bits
available as a factory option. The RIO-47120 has all the features of
the RIO-47100 but with this enhanced analog I/O capability. Both RIO
models combine analog and digital I/O with intelligent processing in a
compact, cost-effective unit.

On-Board Intelligence

Galil’s RIO controllers are
intelligent I/O controllers with Ethernet communication. They can
operate as either a ModBus master or slave allowing them to communicate
with multiple devices including PLCs and Galil’s Ethernet motion
controllers. An internal RISC processor handles I/O logic with ease.
Features include arithmetic and logical processing, symbolic variables,
arrays, program memory with multitasking, event triggers, and email
capability. Galil’s two letter command language makes programming the
RIO quick and easy and a web interface is also provided for graphical
display of RIO status. The RIO is also fast, processing commands in
about 40 microseconds.

Analog and Digital I/O

In addition to on-board intelligence
and non-volatile memory, the RIO provides numerous analog and digital
I/O including 8 analog inputs, 8 analog outputs, 16 isolated inputs, 8
high power isolated outputs and 8 low-power isolated inputs. Multiple
RIO units can be connected to an Ethernet network allowing for simple
I/O expansion. The RIO can be powered by Power-Over-Ethernet (PoE) for
driving lower power devices, or an external 18-36 VDC supply can be

Process Control Loops

A useful feature of the RIO when
working with analog I/O is the internal process control loops complete
with PID filtering. These are handy for applications which require
tight control of an analog process such as temperature control. The RIO
provides special commands used for the process control loop as shown in
the Table below. The user can specify the set point with the PS command
and the loop rate with the CL command in addition to the PID
parameters. Process loop times as low as 1 msec can be programmed.

  • Command
  • Description
  • AF
  • Analog input for feedback
  • AZ
  • Analog output for control
  • KP,KI,KD
  • PID parameters
  • IL
  • Integrator limit
  • DB
  • Dead band
  • CL
  • Control Loop update rate
  • PS
  • Commanded set point
  • TE
  • Tell error


Consider an example of a process control loop used to
precisely control the temperature of an oven. A temperature sensor is
used for the analog feedback. The RIO compares the set point with the
feedback and applies PID filtering to minimize the error. The resulting
analog output is then applied to the heater for closed loop control.
The figure below shows the block diagram of the closed-loop system.

Below is the actual RIO program for the temperature control.

  • #Process
  • CL 25; '25 msec update rate
  • AF 0; 'analog input 0 as feedback
  • AZ 0; 'analog output 0 as control
  • KP 1; 'proportional gain to 1
  • KD 10; 'derivative gain to 10
  • KI .5; 'integral gain to .5
  • DB .1; 'dead band of .1V
  • PS 1.8; 'set-point at 1.8V

Note that CL sets the loop rate at 25 msec, although a slower
update rate could have been chosen due to the slow nature of the
temperature response. The set point is set at 1.8 Volts with the
command PS 1.8. The dead band command is used to prevent the system
from responding to minor disturbances.

Minggu, 27 Juli 2008

Taman Mutiara Kavling #08, Pagutan

Mataram - West Lombok 83116

West Nusa Tenggara


Phone +62370636318 Ext.#49617

Mobile +628175799313

Fax +62370636318 Ext.#47694

E-mail Supriadi.3633@newmont.com




Personal Information


    Bandung, 24 January 1976




01 June 2004 - Present PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara West Nusa Tenggara, ID

Foreman Control & Instrumentation

  • PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara is a world class Gold and Copper Mining.

  • Ensure and committed of Safety compliant (Programs, Meetings and Procedures – JHA & SWP) as Company rules.

  • Lead a Process Control & Instrumentation team (Technical and Managerial)

  • Assign a technician to be acting Foreman when the foreman is out of site.

  • Process Control and Instrumentation handling (Maintenance, Modification, Fault finding and New Installation/projects).

13 Jan’2000-31 May’2004 PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara West Nusa Tenggara, ID

Leading Hand Electrical & Instrumentation

  • PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara is a world class Gold and Copper Mining.

  • Conduct Safety Meetings and Procedures as Company rules.

  • Temporary assigned as a Foreman Electrical & Instrumentation when the foreman is out of site.

  • Electrical and Instrumentation handling (Maintenance, Modification, Fault finding and New Installation/projects).

16 Oct’1995 - 3 Jan’2000 PT. BHP Steel Indonesia West Java, ID

Electrical & Instrumentation Fitter

  • PT. BHP Steel Indonesia is an Organic Coating Steel Facilities (Manufacturing).

  • Conduct Safety Meetings and Procedures as Company rules.

  • Electrical, Instrumentation and Combustion handling (Maintenance, Modification and Fault finding)

Summary of qualification

1. Process Control

- DCS ABB Bailey basic handling

- PLC’s Allen Bradley & Siemens SLC 5 basic Handling including trouble shooting

- SAC field Controllers handling

- Process Variables Tuned and Diagnostic of DCS Data Historian

- Programmable Logic Control GEM80-400 (CEGELEC), is a Multi function logic controller which could be programmed and monitored by personal computer with Gemesys program for Windows and use GEM*) multi Processor system has two or more processor modules sharing the same central highway and read/write memory modules, that's why BHP Steel Indonesia using it to controlling the lines not just a part of section

- Other PLC that’s used by independent machine as welding machine (Inductoheat), Water Cooling tower and Waste Water Treatment plant using Allen Bradley

- PLC, Boiler using Omron PLC, and Air Compressor and Dryer use a Telemecanique.

2. Instrumentation

- Radiation Sources Officer, Maintenance, trouble shooting and Calibration Radioisotope sources Instrumentation

- Modification and Installing of the New Instrumentations at the Processing plant

- Setting and Check all Instruments Parameters

- Calibration all of Transmitter and Gauges

- Weight scale, Density Gauges, Particle size analyze, On Stream Analyzer (AMDEL) and all Instrumentation Handling

- Upgrade field Instrumentation devices performance for High Recovery product.

- Data Measurement corporation (DMC) is a Weight gauge instrument that using feedback signal from Radioisotope source, 1 Ci Americium 241 (Beryllium Window) maintenance and calibration

- H2, O2 gas and Dew point analyzer maintenance, check parameter and Calibration

- pH and Conductivity analyzer maintenance, set parameter and Calibration

- Branding machine Imaje S4 operating, set parameter and Calibration

3. Electrical

- Synchronous and Gearless Motor of Mills trouble shooting and maintenance

- 11 kV Switch Gear, Feeder 3.3 kV, 380 V MCC fault finding and maintenance

- Transformers, Motors & Devices Interlock Maintenance

- Alternative Current & Harmony Drives trouble shooting

- Motor Control Center (MCC) is cubicles that used to wiring, panels and controllers centralization for controlling motor AC/DC and PLC also.

- Direct Current (DC) drives GEMDRIVE is a directional current motor driver which controlling and protects motor to processing by references, feedback, and setting interlocks.

- Switch Gear (Merlin Gerin) and Transformer (ABB) high voltage (20 kV / 380 V) Operating and Maintenance.

- Generator (Aux. Power) DALE, Operating and Maintenance which only used to back up when Power blackout is happened for Inductors pot and Essentials Loads.

4. Combustion

- Direct Fired Furnace (DFF) HNX fuel, maintenance and trouble Shooting

- Boiler LPG fuel pilot and Oil fuel in normal firing condition, trouble shooting

- Pre melt & Main Pot Inductors are molten metal pot which is Heating Circulating Produced by induction system of inductor coil , maintenance & troubleshooting

    - Oven, Incinerator and Lower Firing Level (LFL) are Natural Gas Burner Maintenance and trouble shooting.


22 – 23 August 2005 BATAN (National Nuclear Energy) Sumbawa, Indonesia

Basic Radiation Safety (Certified)

  • Radiation Isotope Source Handling, Awareness, Safety and Operational Procedures

18 – 22 May 2004 GE (General Electric) Sumbawa, Indonesia

Multilin Protective Relay (Certified)

  • Electrical protective relays in wide industrial protection such as Transformers, Feeders and Motors.

01 – 20 Oct’ 2001 BATAN (National Nuclear Energy) Jakarta, Indonesia

RSO / Radiation Safety Officer (Certified)

  • Radiation Isotope Source Handling, Awareness, Safety and Operational Procedures

10 Nov’–18 Dec’ 2000 UNIBRAW (Brawijaya University) Malang-East Java, Indonesia

Instrumentation (Certified)

  • Industrial Control Instrumentation.

10 - 14 April 2000 CCSI (Completion & Commissioning Service Ind.) Sumbawa, Indonesia

PID Process Control (Certified)

  • Automated Process Control is the Means of achieving desired characteristics of values of process variables by manipulating other process variables.

16 – 27 July 1997 Krakatau Training Center West Java, Indonesia

Electrical Trouble shooting (Certified)

  • Electrical trouble shooting on PLC, VSD and Motor Control Center in Heavy Industries.

01 Nov – 10 Dec’1994 PT. PINDAD (Persero) West Java, Indonesia

Electrical Practice Study (Certified)

  • Technical High School program as co-curricular for student to be a Technician.

1995 - 2007 PT. BHPSI and PT NNT Indonesia

Other subjective Training and Course

  • PSI (Particle Size Indicator) by Outokumpu (Certified), Water Treatment & De-mineralized by Kurita Indonesia (Certified), Branding Machine Instrument S4 by Imajindo Raya, SAP R/3 Malfunction report by PT.BHPSI, Safety Operation Management by PT.BHPSI


1992 - 1995 Technical High School 2 Bandung Bandung - West Java, Indonesia

Industries Electrical (Certified)

  • Basic Industries Electrical knowledge

1989 - 1992 Secondary School of Baleendah Bandung - West Java, Indonesia

Secondary School (Certified)

1983 - 1989 Elementary School of Leuwi Bandung West Java, Indonesia

Elementary School (Certified)

Professional memberships

RSO (Radiation Safety Officer) / Petugas Proteksi Radiasi of BATAN (Badan Tenaga Atom Nasional) Indonesia

Frontline Operational Supervisor Certified (DEMR – Department Energy and Mineral Resources) / Sertifikasi Pengawas Operational K3LP (Direktur Teknik Dan Lingkungan Mineral, Batubara dan Panas Bumi).


Indonesian and English


Singgih Subiyantoro (General Foreman Process Electrical Maintenance) Singgih.Subiyantoro@newmont.com +628175749684

Brad Dunstan (Coordinator Electrical, Control and Instrumentation) Brad.Dunstan@newmont.com +628175749214

Stanley Jackson (Client Representative 3rd SAG Installation) Stan.Jackson@newmont.com +628175749262


Electrical, Control and Instrumentation

Interests and activities

Running, Foot Ball and Computers

Awards received

GMP (Gold Medal Performance) achievements of PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara program for some Modification and Initiative action to made Safer, Productive and Effective maintaining of Process equipment plant